Thursday, April 16, 2009

All In God's Perfect Timing

Weary of the sinful people of this world, and filled with sorrow for what He knew was yet to come, our Lord and Savior walked to the garden upon Mount Olivet one more time, with His disciples at His side. He had tried to warn them, prepare His children for what was to come and yet still they had no idea He was to be God's perfect sacrifice for you, and for me. At the entrance to the garden called Gethsemane he instructed Peter, John and James, the sons of Zebedee to accompany Him while the others were to remain watchful at the gate lest the evil one pass through in an attempt to steal their souls away from Him too. As He ventured further into the garden with His three faithful disciples by His side one last time His spirit was restless, and filled with despair, had he prepared them enough to face His death, and resurrection? Filled with foreboding He instructed the three to shelter themselves with prayer while watching for the evil one to approach, he had already asked for Peter yet Jesus refused to give up on the fragile soul of His faithful friend, no Judas was enough He would not give up another to the sinful master of this world!

He turned and left them to pray, He went only about a stones throw away and falling prostrate upon the ground, He cried out to His Father above, "Abba Father." His cry so mournful filled with the groans of human despair. "Father take this cup away from me if it is Your will, yet not My will let Yours be done." The Father heard His groans of pain and to His Son's side He sent an angel to comfort and strengthen Him, and in utter despair His sweat became like great drops of blood falling upon the garden's ground. He finally managed to control His human side, composed He returned to the three disciples only to find them asleep. Get up he commanded, "Peter could you not wait, and pray with Me in this time of my great despair?" The three disciples shamefully apoligized. But, Jesus hearing the approach of the Sanhedrin guard led by Judas, turned to face the multitude. Judas came to him and with a kiss our Lord, and Savior was betrayed, handed over to the high priest to be tried, convicted and crucified upon the cross at Calvary. Then three days later He rose again in His glorified body and He revealed Himself to be a King, the greatest of them all for He is Jesus, our Savior and Sacrificial lamb, and some-day soon in the clouds He will return for you, and for me, if we only believe. Reborn through the blood of His great sacrifice we shall follow Him into eternity, praise God the Father, and all glory to Him for saving our souls from eternal torment. God always had a plan so we will join the chorus in heaven shouting halleluiah, and Amen.
Nadine M. Riggs

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